Personal Readings
Visit with us and discover what the realms of Spirit have in store for you.
In times of uncertainty, seeking out someone ‘in-the-know’ is a natural and necessary thing for people to do.
It could be turning to a friend, your boss, a grandparent, or a teacher…for most things. But then there are times when we need clarification, guidance, reassurance and even proof that require a little more ‘divination’. This is when genuine ‘intuitives’, ‘channels’ and ‘wise folk’ come into their own. Whilst many day-to-day concerns like relationships, money and work can be addressed, it is the deeper connections to you and yours that can offer continued invaluable support far beyond the reading itself. At its best a good reading serves to empower you with the experiences and support of past lifetimes that will enable you to be and do all you desire in this one now. Available to you is a variety of accurate, in-depth soul, psychic and mediumship communications and validations, facilitated by two of the most gifted and respected wise women practicing today.
Come and have your questions answered.
Flavia Kate Peters
Flavia Kate Peters authentic and honest approach makes her a most sought after elemental energy expert, which has seen her tune into the realms of Angels and Elementals with life changing revelations for those receiving the communications. A Faery Reading allows you to discover what guidance the faeries and nature spirits have for you. They often include natural spells, herb and crystal advice to bring about the magic that exists within and around you. Re-awakening your inner mystic. A Past Life & Soul Reading tracks into your time-lines to help you to re-discover who you are on a deep soul level, recovering your natural inner power and understanding why you are here, what lessons you are learning this time around and what your true life purpose is. An Angel Reading focuses on what is happening in your life and offers angelic guidance. Flavia Kate acts as a channel through which the angels communicate their guidance.
Faery Readings
Discover what guidance the faeries and nature spirits have for you. Readings often include natural spells, herb and crystal advice to bring about the magic that exists within and around you. Re-awakening your inner mystic.
Past Life & Soul Readings
Flavia Kate tracks into your time-lines to help you to re-discover who you are on a deep soul level, recovering your natural inner power and understanding why you are here, what lessons you are learning this time around and what your true life purpose is.
Angel Readings
An angel reading focuses on what is happening in your life and offers angelic guidance. Flavia-Kate acts as a channel through which the angels communicate their guidance. “During an angel reading session, I connect with your Guardian Angels to listen to what guidance and advice they have for you, for the situation you may be enquirying about, or what is current at the time in your life and relay their messages. Often I am guided to work with the angels or archangels to heal specific areas in one’s life (whether physical, emotional or spiritual), to clear any blocks or issues. All angel messages are compassionate & loving and offer guidance for opportunities to make alterations where needed.”
”Thank You so much for my reading, it was truly accurate and up-lifting.” J.F.
Personal readings with Flavia Kate are by appointment at an investment of £35 for half an hour session, or £60 for one hour session. Readings and Guidance are personally given by appointment at shows and events around UK and at Arnemetia’s, Market St, Buxton. To book a session email Flavia Kate at
You will be invited to ask questions on areas of your life that are causing you concern ~ maybe relationship issues, career, health, life purpose etc. You will receive an initial energy angel reading & often followed by some form of angel healing (if guided). The session finishes using Oracle Cards reading to confirm the messages that have already come through, and for any other information which you need to know. Using Oracle Cards clarifies what is current in your life and gives you guidance for opportunities to make alterations, where needed so you can achieve peace as well as your aspirations and dreams.
Email Readings
Send your question, date of birth and full birth name to Flavia Kate at and receive your detailed guidance for you. Lead times for readings through email will be confirmed with you at time of booking and a PayPal link sent.
All readings are in the strictest confidence.
Personal readings with Flavia Kate are by appointment at an investment of £35 for half an hour session, or £60 for one hour session.
Barbara Meiklejohn-Free
Barbara Meiklejohn-Free has been communing with the Spirit World since she was a little girl. She has worked at the Arthur Findley College as a course organiser, and now offers private readings at the College of Psychic Studies in London. She has travelled around the world giving mediumship demonstrations and has facilitate open communications for thousands of individuals over the years. An in-depth Soul Reading with Barbara will demonstrate you are not alone. Receive your loved ones messages and wisdom from the world of spirit, with laughter, joy and integrity. Come with an open heart and mind ready to be amazed at the accuracy of the information given by Spirit.
Costs: 30min reading £45.00, 60min consultation £80.00.
All terms of this agreement must be accepted prior to the reading or consultation with Barbara Meiklejohn-Free.
You (the client) agree to a no refund policy of 20 pounds deposit for a 30-minute reading (full price is £45.00) and a 40 pounds no refund policy for an hour’s consultation (full price is £80.00).
This will cover the costs of room hire, travel expenses for Barbara in the unlikely hood of a cancellation.
This deposit must be paid before the appointment is booked and confirmed.
When you make an enquiry about a booking you will be given a provisional/temporary date and time.
Once the temporary booking has been made, a Pay Pal invoice will be sent to you (the client) for the deposit. If within 7 days, the invoice has not been paid the temporary booking will be cancelled and given to another client.
If you (the client) cancels 48 hours before the reading, full payment is required due to the short notice of the cancellation and the unlikely hood of filling the place to another client at such notice.
The reading will consist of 15 mins where Barbara will look at your past, present and future destiny. The next 15 mins is interactive between Barbara and her client discussing any questions and answers.
The hour’s consultation will include the above but will go into greater depth.
Barbara uses mediumship, seership, past life tracking, original wounding therapy, psychology and Shamanic practices to assist and help the client.
Please note that a reading or consultation is for one person at a time.
If you need medical or psychiatric care assistance, then it is important to seek out a licensed medical professional for a consultation.
Barbara’s consultations and readings are not a substitute for any type of medical, psychiatric, or professional counselling.
All readings are for entertainment purposes only.
It’s important you come with no expectations of what you wish to hear and have an open mind.
Understand that all information provided to you during your reading is considered confidential between yourself and Barbara.
Payment by PayPal, Credit or Debit card though PayPal.
Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. The Highland Seer.
Best-selling Author, Witch, Shaman and Teacher of the old ways.
Readings are undertaken at…
Arnemetia’s, the Purple Shop, 6 Market Street, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6JY.
Whilst readings/spiritual healing is not a replacement to conventional medicine or psychotherapy, it is often used successfully as a complement. Holistic therapy of this nature has been known to help some people where other methods have failed. However, it is in your best interest to seek medical attention or other professional advice for any symptoms you may be experiencing.I am neither a medical doctor nor a psychiatrist. I do not prescribe medicine. Always consult a physician about any physical or mental problems you may have.